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The loss of your home to a wildfire is devastating, rebuilding doesn’t have to be.

Long before home reconstruction begins in the field, there exists the process of PRE-construction. Keen attention, diligence, and organization are essential during this phase and key to your project’s success. Preconstruction planning based on experience, specific knowledge, innovative and cost-effective design, accurate budgeting, and efficient resource management are where considerable savings in both the project build-time and overall costs can be realized. The Works provides all of this. By the time rebuilding starts, you will know exactly what to expect.


Start Smart.

Under the hood of The Works is a decades-experienced homebuilder and licensed general contractor. We know wildfire rebuilding because we have actually rebuilt homes lost to wildfires. It is precisely from this experience we fully understand just how vital preconstruction planning is to the success of a project. Start Smart today with The Works world-class team of professionals, and control the rebuild of your home with expert preparation, clarity and insight.


Preconstruction (pri-kuhn-struhk-shuhn) 

The planning and preparation phase of a construction project occurring before actual home construction begins. The preconstruction planning phase for wildfire rebuilds cannot start early enough, preferably prior to debris removal. The phase ends with a completed, finished and ready-to-(re)build homesite. This timeframe also includes any/ all required inspections, testing, reports, architecture, engineering, budgeting, finish material selection, etc. – the final result being a 100% budgeted and ready to build project.

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 Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

- Alexander Graham Bell


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